Monday, January 12th, 2009
Dearest Little Boy,
I am laying here feeling you kick your little feet inside my tummy which prompted me to write you. I always knew I wanted to be a Mom, ever since I was a little girl who couldn't wait to take her first baby sitting course. I baby sat up until I was almost 18 years ago! Looking after babies was always my favorite, they were always so little and smelled deliciously like soap. Talking about having babies was always a faux pas in most relationships, that level of responsibility seemed to scare any guy under the age of 30 (and sometimes older) off. There was a point where I gave up the notion that I'd ever get married and have kids. That was until I met your Daddy.
I had just turned 31 and with a fresh short new hairdo, I agreed to meet your Daddy at the Beach. I also met Hershey, your puppy, then too. I can't say it was love at first sight, but there was something about your Daddy that made me want to get to know him more. After a walk around the beach we headed to Planet Veg, a really yummy place to eat by Kits beach. I was super hyper and your Daddy was super nervous. After a quick meal, your Dad dropped me back off at my car and we said goodbye. By the time I got home, Daddy had messaged me on MSN and asked me out for a movie...that same night. Excited, I said yes. We went to a really stupid movie about a ghost but the best part of the night was holding your Daddy's hand. I complained that my hands were cold (they really were!) and your Dad put my hand in his. It was then that I knew something special was to begin.
Fast forward three whole months. Your Daddy and I fell in love, hard. And fast. Although it didn't phase me one bit. We had so much chemistry, it just felt right. Now it wasn't always perfect and as with life, it had it's ups and downs. We hit a tough spot where we thought at the time it was best if we parted ways but it didn't last long (only a week) and it was Daddy who invited me back to the beach for a chat and that same day we decided to give our relationship another chance. During our conversation at the beach, only you knew you existed. A tiny little blueberry taking up residence in my belly.
A few weeks later I was invited out for AUCE sushi which was my favorite. Until I started to get really full and I wasn't even on my second round yet. Odd, I thought. Then the next day I had plans to go for dinner with a friend and ended up canceling them as I had to have a nap when I got home from work (which was unusual) and I felt so yucky when I woke up! It was that night that I got the idea in my head that you might have been created.
Your Daddy and I talked about having a future and like responsible adults do, we spoke about our plans if 'you' were to arrive earlier than marriage and we both agreed that was something that we wanted. So while you were not 100% planned, you weren't a shocking surprise. The minute the pregnancy test showed positive (the second time cause I didn't believe the first time) your Dad stood there with the biggest grin on his face and 'congratulated' me/us. I ran around like a headless chicken. I wasn't upset, I was in shock. Something I had waited for all my life was suddenly a reality and I had no idea how to react. Looking back it was quite funny.
We laid down on my bed and stared at my somewhat flat belly and talked to you. I wavered in and out of disbelief. By the time we got to the doctor, it was confirmed, you were 6 weeks in my belly. Now the real excitement started as we needed to tell Grammy and Poppy and Grandma & Grandpa who hadn't even met the 'new' love of their child's life! I ended up telling Grammy on the phone but she sorta guessed first and then I told your Poppy who thought I was joking at first. Then I called your Uncle Mike.
Your Daddy was going to wait until I met Granny and Grandma in person when I was going to fly out to Edmonton to meet all the Harbour's but he told them on the phone anyhow!
After we got everyone through the initial shock, your Daddy and I entered the fun stages of pregnancy. Which first started off with 6 weeks of morning sickness which only showed up at night. I was pretty sick but was happy to lose some weight (I know, bad). I was obsessed with learning everything I could about your development and went to the library every week to get new books. My tummy grew more every few weeks until the bump started to show and that's when we decided to make your presence known! We both announced it on FaceBook and boy was everyone thrilled to hear about you!
Every month we visited Dr. Robinson so he could measure my tummy, check your heartbeat and occasionally do tests (which all scored A+s!) Hearing your little heartbeat (which sounded like horses hooves clomping on the ground) was our favorite part of each month...until your first ultrasound was scheduled at 9.5 weeks, there we saw you for the first time. A little tiny lima bean nestled in my tummy. It brought tears to both our eyes
Then at 21 weeks we went for our second ultrasound which was great cause you looked more like a baby! The technician sorta stated you were a boy but I wasn't going to announce it 100% because at that stage he could be wrong. Your Dad insisted you were a girl and I insisted you were a boy. Partly because I wanted a little boy so badly.
We also struggled with names, it's really tough to find a good name for your baby who will have it forever! I mentioned 'Mason' to your Daddy in the beginning but he wasn't that fond of it. Your Daddy also wanted us to get the 3D ultrasound which I originally objected because most babies ended up looking like squashed aliens and I didn't want that image being associated to my baby! But eventually I gave in and I'm so glad I did!
Somewhere between this appointment and the next, we agreed that your name would be Mason!
6 weeks later we went in for our appointment and almost an hour later, we had the very first picture of your gorgeous little face! Our little man (the technician confirmed your gender) was absolutly perfect and not surprsingly stubborn. You constantly held onto your unbilical cord like it was a rope toy and it blocked us getting a good shot of your face. I begged for you to drop the cord and even wiggled my belly around. I could see you kick me on the screen, it was such a neat show. Your Dad and I will cherish that moment forever. The pictures is my computer wall paper at work and I feel so happy when I look at it.