5 whole months! My little dude is growing SO fast. In relation to age, he's barely on the map but time really does fly when u have kidlets! Since we got back from our Island trip, things haven't been quite routine. The heat rash that Mason got while away turned into a nasty nasty exzema flare-up which resulted in two doctors visits. One to the walk in clinic which we got some cortizone cream and another one to BC Children's Hospital a few days later as the rash spread to his entire body and was extremly itchy. Poor little monkey was hardly sleeping and scratching at his skin which drew blood and deep scratches :( The initial cream we were prescribed was the wrong kind and didn't do a thing. I'm a bit irrated by that as I was also prescribed a similar med for a rash I had as well and neither worked AND cost me $80 which is reiumbursed but I still had to shell out the money first. Mason's first experience at BC Childrens was a good one. We were admitted right away, Clayton stayed behind and filled out the paperwork and I was ushered off to an Isolation room as they thought Mason's rash might have been German Measles (which looks REALLY similar to heat rash). We waited over an hour in a little room and was surprised to see a tv and dvd (almost wrote VCR haha) that was for patients use. So while we waited, Clayton and I watched the news. Mason slept. When the Doctor came in, Mason woke up and was quite happy, cooing and smiling at the doctor! The Dr. told us it was a bad case of exzema and sent us to the pharmacy with prescriptions for cortizone for his face and body as well as Baby Benadryl for the itching. Once we put the cream and doped him up on antihistimines he was off to sleep. It took at least 3 days for Mason to sleep through the night again (which I was worried was gone forever) and it's been 5 days and the rash has almost disapated but parts of his skin are really dry or scaly. I'm sure it'll heal completely in another few days.
Aside from that, he's been doing really well and right on target for development. I think he's at least 14lbs now but won't know until next dr appt which isn't scheduled until August which is Mason's six month shots. I'm sure he's grown 'taller' as his legs dangle over his car seat. He never stops moving! Here are a few new things Mason has shown us: