Mason update

Could it be that I haven’t written an update since May?? Geez! Lots has happened since then!


Mason’s appetite and palette has improved significantly.  He no longer refuses to eat most vegetables and mushrooms are his new favourite.  He still has one sippy cup of milk a day and I offer him water but not much juice.  Not only is he eating different foods, the amount of food he’ll eat has doubled.  Mason’s full vegetarian status has been altered to include seafood so he is now a Pescatarian (no meat, seafood and dairy).  While I have only given it to him on two occasions (as approved by his Dad) I’m still not used to it so we don’t have seafood often.  Mason loves pasta, noodles, Kraft Dinner (yeah I know…it’s processed but it’s a staple and I had a ton of it and turned out fine!), he’ll eat a leaf of spinach and most fruit. 


Mason has been pretty consistent with his bed time routines up until lately.  He refused to ‘go to bed’ and repeats over and over “I don’t wanna go to bed.  No.” and will throw off all his blankets and stuffies onto the floor in defiance.  Some nights are easier than others and I’ve tried the Nanny 911 advice of not speaking and just placing him in bed over and over.  He’s not one to run out of the room.  I’ve allowed him to turn on the night light so it’s not pitch black but I find he just lays in bed, looks around waiting for me to go to bed.  He still sleeps with me at some point but I can’t say I have a problem with it yet.  I would like him to sleep through the night in his own bed and will probably try better sleep training when he turns 3.


Mason is 32 months old tomorrow and oh has he grown.  The last check he was 3ft 1inch tall and 30lbs. 


Mason is a pretty social little guy and likes to play in small groups or one on one.  His sharing has improved (thanks to daycare) and he offers toys willingly. 


Mason’s vocabulary improves every day and I’m astounded by the amount of words he can say in one sentence.  Yesterday he came up with 12 words!  His pronunciation is quite good however his R’s are replaced with W’s (twuck, sowwy).  Speaking of sorry, he understands that when he accidentally hits you (or something else) he’s to say ‘sorry’ and does it often.  His manners are impressive for a little guy.  Lots of please, thank you’s and scuse me’s.  Makes me proud.


Unfortunately no change here.  He simply isn’t ready yet.  We have upgraded to pull ups and I’ve tried the big boy underwear + training pants but he just doesn’t care if he has pants full of pee.  The ‘cool’ feeling pull ups don’t seem to phase him either.   We’ll try in a few months, no rush or pressure.


Mason has a high interest in books and we read stories every night.  He’s become quite active in turning the pages and pointing out what he sees.  His favourite question is, “Oh why Mommy? Why?” which makes reading time a bit stressful but obviously he’s naturally curious.


Mason definitely is a little boy.  He loves his garbage truck (which recently caught on fire), any truck really and is quite animated in his play.  He ‘speaks’ for the trucks and has full on conversations.  Mason still plays very well by himself and seems to enjoy all kinds of toys.  His toy room is varied and although I’ve cleared out his baby toys, he wanted to keep some and I find that they are in the pile of the toys he played with that day.


While Mason is quite outgoing, upon meeting new people he might play shy and hide in my arms or around my legs.  But after spending a few minutes with an engaged adult he acts if they are his best friend.  He doesn’t seem to do this with new kids.

/Funny Boy

I really should document the hilarious things that come out of his mouth because as soon as I share them with my Mom I forget about them.  The most recent one was when I was lying on the floor watching tv and he was running around me.  All of a sudden I felt something wet touch my arm (I assumed it was his hand since he has his hand in his mouth all the time – getting new molars).  So I ignored it and then it happened again but it was really wet.  So I said, “ewww gross! What are you doing?” and he replied “It’s not GROSS, I cleaning you!”.  I asked him if he was a cat and then had a good laugh.  Not sure where he learned that but I might have to go over Bathtime rituals with a wash cloth lol.


We’ve been really blessed with a healthy boy.  Despite being in daycare for over 40hrs a week, Mason is rarely cold and even with a cold he’s got a ton of energy.  He’s had one eye and ear infection this year but nothing else really.  Must be all those veggies he eats!

This year was better for his eczema and we didn’t have too many outbreaks, just the occasional spot on his legs which I continue to treat with Betaderm.  As I mentioned, I believe he has his back molars coming in, which are late and don’t seem to be causing too much discomfort but he’s drooling a lot and chewing on his hands.


We had a great summer full of activities (which are posted on his blog) and am now looking forward to the fall activities – pumpkin patches, corn mazes and preparing for a cold winter! 

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