10 - 11 Month update

In the blink of an eye, my little 7lb 2 oz newborn that we brought home from the hospital is now this pro crawler who has the cutest little personality and is closer to 21lbs and has these really long arms and legs.  Where oh where  did my baby go!?

I don't think I wrote about Mason's development last month so I'll go back as far as 10.5 months to now on what Mason has been learning/doing:

  • sleeping has improved, he no longer stays awake during the night but is still reliant on his binky to fall back asleep.  I get up anywhere between 2-3 times and he's not even really awake
  • he has been getting fussy about being put in his car seat (and new stroller)
  • I won't talk about his eating issues as I've blogged recently about that
  • Mason claps his hands and waves hello/bye bye
  • still crawling like a pro but no desire to stand at this point unaided.  He won't even do the 'walk' if you hold his hands. 
  • learned how to get himself off our very high bed.  He simply holds onto the duvet and lowers himself to the floor.  I swear it's true!  I'd video tape him but I need my arms to catch him if he lets go
  • has learned how to open cupboards (our cabinets do not have knobs which makes it tricky to secure) 
  • still very independent in his play
  • love torturing the dog and the cat.  The kitty is less scared of him which makes me nervous and means I have to keep an extra eye out.  The dog has become wayyyy less patient with Mason and growls a lot more.  It's subtle but annoying
  • when I drag him away from something he doesn't want to play with, he lifts up his arms so I drop him (little bugger!)  No real temper tantrums yet...
  • when he is told no and he's tired, he does this bowing thing where he cries and lowers his forehead to the floor.  It's hilarious
  • hates wearing socks and pulls them off at every opportunity.  Haven't put shoes on (soft mocs / robeez) much on him for this reason. 
  • socks now go in his mouth and he carries them around like he's a little puppy
  • had his first fever this month which induced a heat rash (lovely) and then eczema which has still not cleared.  This time it wasn't as bad, he wasn't as itchy but his skin looks like crap
  • Just bought his first 'real' toothbrush!  I didn't realize that we needed to get a real bristle brush when his teeth came in.  We picked up the Gerber Toddler Tooth and Gum Cleanser (no fluoride)
  • Bangs toys together
  • Finger feeds himself (toddler food)

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