Blog posts February 2009

Mason says "Hello World!!"

Mason's Birth Story


Daily routine was to get up around 11am, do some light housework, eat and then take Hershey the doggy to the park for his run.  I sat by a tree as the weather was quite nice and then decided after a while it was time to head home.  As I was walking across the street,…

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Last day of being pregnant?

I've been a bit slack on upating the 'ol blog as not much has really happened, well until Monday that is.

Monday was another pre-natal appointment and an exciting one at that as the Doctor asked me if I wanted my cervix checked for dilation, of course I said yes!  2cm he told me, which was a bit su…

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Work no more

I still haven't gotten over the fact that I don't have to go to work Monday...or Tuesday or the whole week until Feb 2010.  How crazy is that?   The most I've ever taken off is 3 weeks and that was to go travel.  I keep thinking work is going to call me on Monday and ask where I am!  So with that sa…

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Tick tock

Obsessive with dates, March 2nd creeps closer and closer and I get more excited as each day passes.  The first milestone was the end of work weeks and the start of Mat leave.  Tomorrow is my last day in the VC office and hopefully in 11 months or so I can work from home.  I am happy that I am an org…

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4 blog posts